Our vision
Based on our vision, we want to create an increased engagement, to see and make people visible, and to invite people to serve. This can happen through leadership training so that we can develop leaders for our home groups and for the children’s and youth work. By actively seeking God through prayer and fasting, starting Alpha, My Life, parenting courses, or having regular Bible teaching.
We want to create space for encounters with Jesus, encourage Christlikeness, and be touched by God. That way we become a congregation where people come to faith (are born again) and where the power of the Holy Spirit works to shape us into greater Christlikeness.
We want to create opportunities to put faith into practical action, through social work, for example at one of our institutions, among refugees/new Swedes, and the socially vulnerable. So that individuals and families can be restored and receive help.
We strive to be a congregation that is open and welcoming.
Currently, we are about 300 members with an average age of around 45 years. The heart of the congregation is the Sunday SERVICE. Here, both young and old meet. We worship and praise Jesus Christ and listen to the sermon. Once a month we celebrate communion. In every service, there is an opportunity for conversation and prayer. The service is open to ALL people, regardless of whether they believe or not.
Korskyrkan in Umeå sets out to be a healing community for the whole person, where we get to see people come to faith in Christ and become wholehearted disciples who are committed to Jesus Christ, to one another, and to the congregation. For this vision to be realized, small group fellowship becomes important.
Welcome to share our fellowship and to become touched by God!
Our Faith
Our congregation is part of the Evangelical Free Church, which is a state independent church community with approximately 300 congregations, 34,000 members, and missionary work in about 30 countries. The Evangelical Free Church and Korskyrkan Umeå describe their theological identity with four key words:
Evangelical – means that our faith is anchored in the good news known as the gospel in the New Testament, the news of salvation through Jesus Christ, His death, and resurrection. With the word evangelical, we also express our solidarity with the historical and international revival movements whose theological profile is reflected in the Lausanne Declaration. This profile is based on four theological foundations.
- God’s reconciliation in Christ – is the core of the Christian faith. Jesus is true God and true man, who was crucified, died, and rose for our salvation. Jesus is the full revelation of God and the only way to God.
- Personal conversion – is a prerequisite for a life in fellowship with God. Humanity is created in the image of God but has turned away from Him. God calls her to repent and receive salvation and restoration. Conversion encompasses both the moment we come to faith as well as it is a daily and continuous process.
- Faith expresses itself – n both testimony and care for the society. This holistic view of the gospel means that the gospel meets the whole person’s needs through evangelism and service in the congregation and society, both in the local community and internationally.
- The Bible is God’s word – and authority for faith and life. No human interpretation of the Bible can be considered infallible, but interpreted in its historical context, in accordance with its purpose, and under the enlightenment of the Spirit, it leads rightly.
Missional – means that the congregation wants to collaborate with God in His mission; we are sent by God! All mission has its origin in God! It is God Himself who acts with the aim of restoring humanity and creation. But the congregation is involved in God’s mission, and mission is an outflow of the congregation’s identity and life! Mission is thus a fundamental biblical dimension of the congregation’s identity and existence.
Mission is part of the Christian discipleship. When Jesus rose, He sent out His disciples to ”make disciples”; therefore, everyone who follows Christ is called to a missional discipleship. God’s restoration encompasses the whole person and creation. We therefore stand for a holistic view of God’s salvation and God’s kingdom, where the congregation seeks to meet people’s spiritual, social, and material needs.
The ultimate purpose of mission is thus for God’s kingdom to be visible, for God to be glorified, and for Jesus to be known and honored among people and nations!
Baptist – means that baptism occurs as a result of a person’s own confession of faith. Baptism is a gift from God and a human response to God’s call to repentance and forgiveness of sins. Baptism usually takes place through immersion in water. Baptism is also a commitment to the fellowship of the congregation; the congregation consists of those who believe and want to commit themselves to Jesus and the community.
The Baptist view of the congregation also means that all believers have the same status in Christ and have the opportunity to serve based on calling, gifts, and the trust of the congregation. The spiritual gifts that the congregation needs for its service are given by the Spirit ”as He wills.” In the congregation’s annual meeting and congregational meetings, each member has the same voting rights.
Charismatic – means that it is God’s Spirit who brings the believers together into a congregation that is the body of Christ and who gives the gifts (Greek: charisma) that the congregation needs for its service. The Spirit is the one who gives the congregation its life. The gifts and services that the Spirit gives should contribute to the common building up.
The charismatic is expressed through various personal and communal experiences of the Spirit in worship, diaconia, home life, daily life, and work life. The gifts of the Spirit are not associated with position or hierarchy, but the pattern for service in the power of the Spirit is always associated with an increasingly loving and Christlike character. The gifts of the Spirit are also given in order to equip us for God’s mission.
In EFK’s Faith and Self-Understanding, you can read more about what we and EFK stand for.
EFK and Korskyrkan Umeå also support the Lausanne Declaration, an international evangelical confession of faith focused on mission and evangelism.